
Jackson, P. C. (2025) Countability of Infinite Paths in the Infinity Tree: Proof of the Continuum Hypothesis in a Non-Cantorian Infinity Theory. Advances in Pure Mathematics, 15(01):73-90.

Jackson, P. C. (2023) The Infinity Tree: Representing Infinities of Real Numbers with Countably Infinite Tree Structures. Advances in Pure Mathematics,13(04):198-205.

Jackson, P. C. (2021) Toward human-level goal reasoning with a natural language of thought. Ninth Goal Reasoning Workshop, November 15, 2021. YouTube.

Jackson, P. C. (2021) Toward human-level qualitative reasoning with a natural language of thought. TalaMind White Paper, September 20, 2021.

Jackson, P. C. (2021) On achieving human-level knowledge representation by developing a natural language of thought. Procedia Computer Science, 190, 388-407. YouTube.

Jackson, P. C. (2020) Understanding understanding and ambiguity in natural language. Procedia Computer Science, 169, 209-225.

Jackson, P. C. (2020)
Toward metascience via human-level AI with metacognition. Procedia Computer Science, 169, 527-534.

Jackson, P. C. (2019) Toward Human-Level Artificial Intelligence – Representation and Computation of Meaning in Natural Language. Dover Publications. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble)

Jackson, P. C. (2019) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Third Edition, Dover Publications. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble)  (Correction)

Jackson, P. C. (2019) I do believe in word senses. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, Poster Session I, pp. 321-340.

Jackson, P. C. (2019) Metascience and metacognition. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2019, pp. 165-172.

Jackson, P. C. (2018) Natural language in the Common Model of Cognition. Procedia Computer Science, 145, 699-709. (Poster)

Jackson, P. C. (2018) Thoughts on bands of action. Procedia Computer Science, 145, 710-716. (Slides)

Kralik, J. D., Lee J. H., Rosenbloom, P. S., Jackson, P. C., Epstein, S. L., Romero, O. J., Sanz, R., Larue, O., Schmidtke, H. R., Lee, S. W., & McGreggor, K. (2018) Metacognition for a Common Model of Cognition. Procedia Computer Science, 145, 730-739.

Jackson, P. C. (2018) The intelligence level and TalaMind. Sixth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, Poster Collection, pp. 129-148.

Jackson, P. C. (2018) Toward beneficial human-level AI... and beyond, 2018 AAAI Spring Symposium Series Technical Reports, SS-18-01, pp.48-53. (Postscript)

Jackson, P. C. (2017) Toward human-level models of minds, 2017 AAAI Fall Symposium Series Technical Reports, FS-17-05, pp.371-375.

Jackson, P. C. (2014) Toward Human-Level Artificial Intelligence – Representation and Computation of Meaning in Natural Language. Ph.D. Thesis, Tilburg University, The Netherlands.

Jackson, P. C. (1992) Proving unsatisfiability for problems with constant cubic sparsity. Artificial Intelligence Journal, 57, 125-137.

Jackson, P. C. (1985) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Second Edition, Dover.

Jackson, P. C. (1974) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. First Edition, Petrocelli/ Charter.

Other publications are listed at ResearchGate and Google Scholar.

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